The worlds first and only training school for landscape curbing
We all at some point, either when we started or as our businesses grew, could've used help from others in our profession, but it wasn't always readily available. We learned on our own through trial and error and often our failures. Curbing is and always will be changing with how we do things and how we operate. With that almost all other industries have additional or continuing training to keep them on top of their games and their skills sharp. Why are we any different? Our professors consist of some of the best curbers in the United States and Canada. They are seasoned veterans with over 200 years of combined experience. This is the first and only online training site for curbers and it's only found at Borderline. The continuing support you get here is unlike any other in the industry. There is only one "family" in this profession and that's found only here at Borderline.....
Don't settle for average...
You've come to the place where curbers go to get their stone on..
Borderline has made training easy with the only online source available in the industry. With dozens of on-site videos for the beginner and a complete course for advanced training, it's your one stop site to help with whatever your needs are. Turn it up a notch and become a Stoner with Curb Universtiy.